You are applying for the following position
For a quicker and more convenient completion of this form, you may want to use information from a resume document on your device. Choose your desired method below, and the system will parse the information and start the process of filling in the form for you. You will of course get the opportunity to check and modify the information before submitting the application.
(.doc, .odt, .xls, .pdf, .pptx, .ods, .odp, .ppt, .xlsx, .docx)
You can record a video on the spot (you can record multiple takes before submitting the final version), or you can upload an existing video from your device. The duration of the video can be a maximum of one minute.
Click here for a number of useful tips and tricks for recording the perfect video!
Supported file formats: .mp4 .mpg .avi .mov .mkv .wmv .ogv .webm .flv